Thursday, December 4, 2014

Without having to use an intermediary SD Card. You can do this over the USB connection, or ethernet connection, by changing the IP address in the steps below.

After setting up your BBB with the applications you want, the basic steps are:

On the desktop, run this command in a terminal:

nc -l -p 19000|bzip2 -d|dd bs=16M of=BBB.img

On the BeagleBone Black, run this command in a terminal (you can SSH into it, or do it directly from the BBB):

dd bs=16M if=/dev/mmcblk0|bzip2 -c|nc 19000

The address is for the USB connection. (BBB is If you're doing this over an ethernet connection, you should use your desktop's IP address.

This is taken from instructions here:

Finally, follow any method to install onto the next BBB. Here's an example of how to flash the emmc:


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